Monday, February 24, 2014

New blog!!

I was looking at his sad little blog and I noticed that most of what I have posted so far has been about books, when this is my crafting blog. So that had to be fixed.

I present to you... Books Nooks and Looks!!!!

Yes, it is a silly name, but it is my new blog, so from now on that is where all my book stuff will appear.

I know I haven't even really been trying on this blog, but I am working on a sewing project, so that should be up sometime...hopefully soon.

That's all.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Frozen: Anna's green dress tutorial/Overview

Okay, first off, I am not an experienced sewer, I am self taught, and most of this dress was improve. I drew my patterns based of what I thought would work, and I have about zero sewing experience.  My way is probably not the best way, but it turned out really well so I am happy

Frozen: Anna's green dress

It's Done!!!!! here is my post from DA...